
Roladin style sufganiyot doughnuts with different fillings



roladin style sufganiyot donuts recipe

They might cause heartburn, but they are so good, and we only eat them one week a year (give or take), so how can you not eat them?!

The traditional Chanukah sufganiyot are round puffed donuts filled with jam, and Roladin donuts are a real trend in Israel. So I decided to try and make Roladin style sufganiyot with different flavors and pampering fillings.
I call them Roladin style for various reasons.

strawberry jam and chocolate mousse donuts

As far as I remember, and it might come as a surprise for all you Roladin lovers, I believe I never tried Roladin's donuts. So I had to rely on recipes online.
I saw two recipes of Roladin's donuts, one from Roladin's cookbook shared on the Walla website, and the other is from Shiran Matityahu, a former "Bake Off Israel" contender.

I decided to make a recipe of my own based on those two recipes. After deciding on the dough, I decided to fill the sufganiyot with different fillings, starting from the classic jelly to chocolate ganache. And the only thing I can say is that they came out fantastic!


a bite in vanilla filled sufganiya donut

nutella filled round donuts

sufganiyot donuts collection in one recipe

A few things you should know before starting:

Sufganiyot are delicious and wonderful, but you must follow these rules to avoid having a dense bread instead of that tasty airy donuts:
*It is essential to keep a consistent temperature. Sufganiyot are best deep-fried at a temperature of 160C/320F. They are cooked differently from donuts. I have the perfect donuts recipe that is very popular on my blog, and as I said there, you need to fry donuts at a temperature of 190C/374F for a minute on each side.
The ideal temperature to fry donuts is between 160-180 C, but from previous attempts, I highly recommend frying at 160C for 2 minutes on each side for mini sufganiyot.

*I talked about cohered frying temperature, so I really recommend purchasing a digital thermometer or an electric frying pan. You can fry without a thermometer or an electric frying pan, but it will be harder to maintain the right frying temperature.

*Allow the sufganiyot to rise appropriately. If you have a kitchen that feels like a sauna in summer and freezing in winter, like my kitchen, then you should prepare accordingly. In wintertime, the rising time can even come to 4-5 hours. And the rising stage of the sufganiyot is so critical to get an airy, white-strip perfect sufganiya.

*Do you use dried yeast? If the package is open for a long time now, I recommend checking if the yeast is still alive before using it. One year I didn't check the yeast, and the sufganiyot didn't rise. I got delicious pita-style sufganiyot. They did rise somewhat, but very poorly, and they were funny-looking. How to check if the yeast is good to go? Take about a teaspoon of yeast and put in a cup with water and a bit of sugar. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, and if you see bubbles and the mixture fermented/a bit puffed, then they are okay.

*I made a variety of flavors and toppings and had many leftovers. So you can make only one flavor to all of the donuts or divide the filling quantities.

*How are you with alcohol? If you don't like it much, as I do, don't worry. The sufganiya doesn't have any alcoholic flavor. And there is no problem letting children eat it since the alcohol evaporates.

* It's too chilly in your area and the donuts not rising? turn on your oven to 35-40C/95-104F, turbo and place the dough, and afterward the donuts inside covered with a light-weighted cloth. If you know your oven is very powerful, then set the temp to 30C/86F. I left the oven on all  that time and finally got puffed donuts quickly.


Roladin's style mini sufganiyot donuts/recipe: con delight, based on Roladin's cookbook recipe and Shiran Matityahu's recipe
I measured using universal cups and spoons
Ingredients for 22 mini sufganiyot donuts (weighing around 40 grams/1.4 oz. each)
500 grams/1/2 kilo (1.1 pounds) white all-purpose flour, sifted
1 Tablespoon dry yeast
1/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 L eggs
50-gram/1.8 oz. butter, softened
1 Tablespoon alcohol (vodka/brandy, about 40%)

Vanilla-oreo filling:
1 cup whipping cream
Between 1-2 Tablespoons of instant vanilla pudding, or according to flavor
white chocolate
Oreo cookies, crushed
mini Oreos for decoration
powdered sugar

Milk chocolate ganache filling:
For the mousse: 200 gram/7 oz. milk chocolate, 1 cup whipping cream
Ganache: 100 gram/3.5 oz. 50% dark chocolate, 1/2 cup whipping cream
flake/mekupelet chocolate bar, crumbled

Nutella filing:
Nutella spread

And strawberry jam for the classic sufganiya
oil, for frying

Mix the flour and yeast in the mixer's bowl. Add in the sugar and salt and mix. Add the eggs, milk, butter, and alcohol and knead for 10 minutes until you get a unified dough.
Once the dough is ready, knead it a bit by hand and transfer to a greased bowl Grease on all sides and cover the bowl with cling film. Let rise until it doubles its volume. If it is cold, the rising time may exceed beyond two hours.

After the dough risen, transfer to a working surface and knead a bit for expelling air. Divide the dough into balls so that each ball will weigh about 40 grams (give or take). I got 22 balls.
Then, roll each ball to get a nice smooth ball. First, pinch all the messy sides to one side, and then move the dough smoothly on a surface using your palm (see the attached video to learn more).

After shaping the balls, place them on a baking paper cut into a square. Transfer to a pan, cover with a towel, and let rise. Make sure they rise properly so that you won't get a dense bun-like pastry.

Meanwhile, prepare the fillings:
Whip the cream and instant vanilla to a unified mixture and place in the fridge.
Prepare the chocolate mousse: Melt the chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl for 20 seconds. Then mix and reactivate the microwave for another 20 seconds and mix. Continue so until the mixture is unified. This method is done to prevent the chocolate from burning. When finally melted, set aside to cool a bit and whip the cream. Whip until the cream start to stable, add in the chocolate, and continue beating until stable.

The mousse won't seem stable because milk chocolate usually causes the cream to be unstable. But placing the mousse in the fridge or even the freezer, when you don't have time, will give us a much stable mixture to pipe. I didn't put it in the refrigerator, but I highly recommend placing it in the fridge to fill the donuts more easily.

When the sufganiyot are ready, preheat oil in a pot for 160C/320F. When the oil reached the right temp, put 3-4 sufganiyot inside with the baking paper. It is recommended to fry one donut first, to make sure how long it takes for the donut to fry. It should be 2 minutes on each side for mini, and if you make large ones, then about 3 minutes on each side.
Place the donuts with the baking paper turning up. After two minutes, flip the donuts, remove the baking paper and fry for extra 2 minutes on the other side.

Assemble the sufganiyot:
To fill the donuts, you need to let them cool enough. Then make a hole in the center and fill the donuts.
The only donuts that are different are the Nutella donuts. If you want sugar-coated Nutella sufganiyot, you need to coat them with sugar a little bit after frying. That's the time the sugar sticks well to the donuts. Then let them cool and fill with the Nutella. If the Nutella is too hard, warm it a bit in the microwave.

For the oreo-vanilla sufganiyot - Melt the white chocolate in the microwave. Melt in 15-20 second intervals and mic after each time. When the chocolate is ready, set aside to cool a bit. Meanwhile, transfer the whipped vanilla cream to a piping bag with a star nozzle or other of your favorite. Fill the donuts with cream. If the cream got out of the donut a bit, wipe the excess and dip in the melted white chocolate. Sprinkle with crushed Oreos. Pipe cream on top and place mini oreo on the whipped cream. Powder with a bit of powdered sugar, and that's it.

For the milk chocolate mousse and chocolate ganache - Melt dark chocolate in 30 seconds intervals, mixing after each break. Once the ganache is ready, let it cool a bit. Meanwhile, transfer the mousse to a piping bag without any specific nozzle and pipe into the doughnuts. Again, if the mousse got out, just wipe it out and dip in the ganache. Sprinkle with the candy crumbs, and that's it.

You can fill the rest of the donuts with the classic strawberry jam or dulce de leche and sprinkle powdered sugar on top.
I had many leftovers from the chocolate mousse and other ingredients, so you can put them in the fridge and serve as a mousse or make small quantities or only one filling.

I am planning on making more flavors that I hope will go according to plan. If so, I will update this post so you can enjoy it as well.
If you loved this post, please share, and if you made the recipe, tag me on Instagram @con_delight or Facebook @condelight
Have a great holiday!

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