
Tabaluga movie review

credit:, 5 stars movie

Tabaluga is an animation movie about a green dragon that carries the same name. Some might recognize this dragon from the animation series that was broadcasted between the years of 1996-2004.
Tabaluga is a character that was created by the German rock musician Peter Maffay, which narrates the character Nessaja in the movie.

credit: 5 stars films
The movie Tabaluga follows the young green dragon that goes on an adventure of a lifetime. Tabaluga needs to face a significant task that takes a lot of courage, and with the help of friends and love, he embarks on the mission, that will change his life.
In a search for a force that might save his country, he finds love, but also many dangerous adventures.

I was invited to review the movie, but even before sending my friends to watch it, I emphasized that this might be a movie that is scary and not for the faint of hearts.
They decided to go anyway and indeed when they got back to me with their full review and notes, the 8 and a half-year-old summed things up as this movie is packed with great action, but a bit scary.

My reviewer told me that from the get go the movie starts with a frightening scene of death by the main villain of the story, that will change the hero's life at once.
And not just the villain makes the hero's life bitter, but also some bullies mock Tabaluga and try to set him up. Although the film contains quite a few terrifying moments, it also incorporates moments of peace, friendship, and harmony.

In the movie Tabaluga, which follows the magical journey of the ice princess and the fire dragon, we meet Lilli, the ice princess. It is not sure whether she is a magical creature or some human being. An odd love connection is formed between Lillie and the dragon, more than a friendship, although they do not kiss.
My reviewer said that she felt the connection between Tabaluga and the ice princess is peculiar. Since it makes you wonder why they haven't created an ice dragon, but eventually she comes into a realization that she must have prejudices about relationships between characters that are seemed different from one another, and this has made her reexamine what bothers her so much.

Eventually, the protagonist of the story, Tabaluga, is very sympathetic and the moment he finds his inner strength, and he protects himself, his love and his friends, a powerful sense of victory is formed in adults and kids alike.
The bottom live is that this is a cute movie that deals with quite a few prejudices and beliefs about ourselves and others — not a brilliant film, but not bad.

The movie is suited for ages 9+. However, since it contains scary situations and some parts that are least suitable for sensitive children, it is recommended to decide whether to go see this film according to your acquaintance with your children.

The film is distributed in Israel by five stars films, Hebrew dubbed. Movie length: 89 minutes.
Director: Sven Unterwaldt Jr.
Hebrew direction: Yonatan Rochman and Koki Salinas

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