
The Power of Words - a new exhibition in FOZ museum


The Power of Words - a new exhibition in FOZ museum
Credit: Maytal Fine

A new exhibition has opened in the courtyard of the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem. The exhibit results from the collaboration of the Holocaust survivor group "Dolls and Dreams" under the direction of Michal Fudaminsky and the Friends of Zion Museum.

The Power of Words - a new exhibition in FOZ museum
Photo credit: Maytal Fine

The group chose about 40 sayings to be presented in the new exhibition, for example: "For as long as your mental and physical abilities allow, be happy and make the most of life.", "Health, a sense of humor, and optimism are the requirements for a good life.", etc.

Michal Fundaminsky, therapist and group facilitator: "We formed the group about 12 years ago to respond to the needs of Holocaust survivors residing in Jerusalem. To my great joy, despite life's suffering and hardships they experienced, with much wisdom, experience, good manners, and values, they succeeded in distilling what is truly important, to see and learn to value the good in everything. The goal of the exhibition "The Power of Words" is, as the title suggests, to have people stop for a moment and make a change by listening to positive words, especially in these stormy times. On a personal note, I, too, learned a real lesson about life and positive thinking, on how to transform experiences into better ones, to live in peace and love. I invite all – old and young - to visit this unique Museum – men, women, old and young".

Daniel Voiczek, CEO of FOZ, notes: "We are excited and very happy to be hosting such an extraordinary exhibition. We all wonder how people can continue living after impossible hardships and still develop and become empowered. This exhibition, as I see it, provides the answer. The group is made up of people, each of whom has a very painful life experience, yet they are unique in their optimism, thirst for life, and active. This is a real gift, to be able to hear from them what guides them in their life at present. The FOZ-Friends of Zion Museum has been very active on behalf of Holocaust survivors in Israel and across the world, and this exhibition is just one more layer of our activities on this issue."

As mentioned, the exhibition is shown in the courtyard of the FOZ museum; the Entrance is free of charge. The sayings are presented in a way that next to each quote, you'll see that survivor's photo with a QR code that allows you to scan and enter the FOZ website and read the personal story of that survivor.

The FOZ museum in Nahalat Shiva, Jerusalem, will take you on a 7-stations guided tour with impressive audio-visual exhibits that tell the story of the non-Jewish supporters of Zionism and the establishment of the state of Israel.

The museum helps Holocaust survivors in Israel and abroad. FOZ founder Dr. Mika Evans alongside his son, Michael Jr., who currently serves as the president of Friends of Israel, has established a community center for survivors in Jerusalem, including fully equipped apartments on the museum campus.

In addition, for many years, Evans has been funding thousands of Holocaust survivors in Israel and Ukraine. And once a month, the FOZ museum hosts activities, performances, holiday events, and even bar and bat mitzvahs for holocaust survivors who didn't get the chance to celebrate as kids. The war in Ukraine brought Mika and Michael Evans to help evacuate dozens of Holocaust survivors and their families from Ukraine, some of whom settled in Israel.

Friends of Zion Museum is located at 20 Yosef Rivlin Street, Nahalat Shiva, Jerusalem. You can read a review of the place in my article 24 Hours in Jerusalem.

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